Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee Gears up to help Countries meet Key Deadlines
10 June 2024
11th Meeting of the PAICC
Credit: UN Climate Change/James Dowson

UN Climate Change News, 10 June 2024 – In its first meeting of this year, the Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee (PAICC) gathered members in-person and virtually in Bonn from 17 to 19 April, to discuss how to help governments prepare for key climate action milestones related to the Paris Agreement.

These milestones are notably the submission of the next round of national climate action plans (Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the submissions of Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) and Biennial Communications.

By facilitating implementation and helping governments understand the compliance aspects of the Paris Agreement regime, PAICC supports countries in delivering on the Agreement, thereby promoting further ambition to tackle climate change over time.

The meeting, therefore, took place at a critical juncture for the Committee as it prepares its work for the upcoming submission deadlines of the communications and reports.

After reviewing and discussing the relevant decisions, Committee members stressed that the deadline for Parties to submit their NDCs is 10 February 2025.

During the course of the three-day meeting, Committee members and alternate members benefited from three enhanced knowledge sessions conducted by the secretariat’s Mitigation, Means of Implementation, and Transparency divisions.

These enhanced knowledge sessions were valuable in strengthening the Committee’s collective understanding of its work ahead of PAICC 13, which will be convened following the submission deadlines of NDCs, BTRs and Biennial Communications.

The importance of awareness-raising was a reoccurring theme at the 11th meeting of the Committee.


Next steps

The 12th meeting of the Committee will take place from 9-11 September 2024 at the UN Climate Change secretariat in Bonn, Germany.

At the upcoming COP29 UN Climate Change Conference in Baku in November, PAICC plans to highlight the link between the work of the Committee and the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement at a side event. The Committee encouraged the further organization and participation of its Co-Chairs in similar awareness-raising events related to the Committee’s work throughout the year.

The full report of the 11th meeting of the PAICC can be found  here(link is external)



The Paris Agreement established the Committee to facilitate the implementation of and promote compliance with its provisions. The Committee is expert-based and facilitative in nature. It consists of twelve members and twelve alternate members, whom the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) elects based on equitable geographical representation.

The Committee can take different measures to facilitate implementation and promote compliance, such as helping countries engage with relevant bodies or arrangements on finance, technology and capacity building or assisting in developing an action plan. 

More information about the Committee can be found here