Rewatch the Red Bull BC One World Final 2024 Rio 💯 In collaboration with Reebok, Reebok Europe & Technics Global. Want more breaking? 👇 Watch this year's Red Bull BC One Cypher livestreams here: Catch last year's Red Bull BC One Cypher livestreams too: ---- ► Click to Subscribe to Red Bull BC One: Giving wings to dancers and fans of b-boying and b-girling around the world 🌏 Whether you're a fan of footwork, freezes, power moves or flow, whatever your style, it's good to have you in the breaking scene. Let us know what style of breaking you rock with in the comments below! 👇 TikTok: Facebook: Instagram: #redbullbcone #redbull #breaking #givesyouwiiings
The Red Bull BC One All Stars are the premiere breaking group of Red Bull BC One. Composed of battle experienced b-boys & b-girls, the All Stars know what it takes to compete at the highest level: Win crew competitions? ✔️ Dominate solo events? ✔️ Tour the world and spread the culture of breaking? ✔️ With a dance crew list that spans the likes of Lilou, Roxrite, Pelezinho, Ronnie, Taisuke, Hong 10, Cico, Neguin, Lil G, Wing, Menno, Junior, Victor, Issei, Ami, Lil Zoo, Sunni, Shigekix, and Logistx (to name a few 😉) there is no doubt that after 10 years of breaking, this team is just getting started.