Rainbow Six Esports Explained
Everything you need to know to get introduced to Rainbow Six Siege Esports explained in 3 minutes. In this video, we break down how to dive into your new Esports journey by covering every aspect there is to understand from regional leagues to majors, and ending on the bottom line of every R6 Esports storyline: the Six Invitational. So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to root for your favorite team and take your Rainbow Six experience to another level.
Dive into the heartfelt stories of Rainbow Six Siege players as they share their deep connection to the game and its esports community. Each episode highlights a unique journey, weaving together personal triumphs, challenges, and passion for Siege. Though each narrative stands alone, the series culminates in a powerful shared moment at the Six Invitational. A celebration of the players, their love for Siege, and the vibrant R6 esports scene. Follow us on social media: ► Twitter Global: https://twitter.com/R6esports ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/r6esports/ ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/rainbow6 ► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@RainbowSixEsports ► Official website: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/esports/rainbow-six/siege