Tribo da Periferia - Unpredictable (Official Music Video)
Listen on Spotify: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Palco MP3: Sua Música: #tribodaperiferia Subscribe: On the main platforms: CONTRACT: +55 (61) 9 7400 7828 Music Production: Duckjay Composer: Duckjay & Look Datasheet: Executive Production: Fabiano Monteiro Screenplay: Duckjay Production Coordinator: Daniel Alves Production: Sandra Bonates Direction: Daniel Alves / Gustavo Pastorino Collor: Gustavo Pastorino Cinematography by: Daniel Souza Computer Graphics CG: Fernandinho Editing and Fnalization: Samy Sousa Art Direction and Production: Sandra Bonates / Luana Nunes Second Unit Director or Assistant Director: Danielle Frois First Assistant / Loguer: Hugo Keichi Rodrigues Drone: Fabiano Monteiro Making-of: Samy Sousa Electrical Assistant: Marcelo Ferreira Electrical: Vitor V2 / Odair Machinery assistant: Odair Machinist: Messiah Filho Social Media: Thiago Jesus Design: Wander Costa Casting Producer: Fidalgo Still Photography: Victor Moura / Miguel Carvalho Make-up: Pricila Lopes Santos Cook: Maria das Graças Ferreira Staff: Cristiane Loila Security: Henrique Gonçalves Cast: Bozo, Diey, Fidalgo, Rafael Face Hidden, Taty Belladona Mrs. Clarice Nogueira - Drummer Karina Barboza de Carvalho Melissa Menezes Kely Moura de Souza Jhon Dier Andrade de Souza Thaís Pereira Martins Tatiane Nunes Lima Renan de Souza Rafael Inacio dos Santos André Felipe Ferreira Gabriela de Medeiros Luiza Noleto A thanks to: Daniel Alexandre / Marco Henrique / Walter Moura Music: Unpredictable Tribe of the Periphery Album: 5 ° Last (Letter) (Duckjay) Do not mind if the back seat turns rave. If I have repeated this sound several times From here to four it's crockery, window will shake in the whole street Sorry my back Ooooh Fuck Insomnia Ooooh For who sleeps dreams, who lives accomplish and I raise the level From the unpredictable Sorry my back My back Fuck Insomnia Insomnia For who sleeps dreams, who lives This whole fucking thing From me you can expect everything Anyway, what are you thinking now? And the summary is much more than a long story to tell. It is the taste of displeasure, and the dawn It's like a kiss with a taste of vodka Because I learned early to run away from logic. Has more fear the methodical routine And I saw that the secret of a solid life It's breaking statistics, let the world spin Have you ever thought if I stopped on those rainy days, huh? That the mud muddled, and the sun insisted on shining Life frightened more than the dark alley More make me crazy, it's just another gift. If the back seat turns rave If I have repeated this sound several times From here to four it's crockery, window will shake in the whole street Sorry my back Ooooh Fuck Insomnia Ooooh For who sleeps dreams, who lives accomplish and I raise the level From The Unpredictable Sorry my back My back Fuck Insomnia Insomnia For who sleeps dreams, who lives accomplish and I raise the level From The Unpredictable Look Stupid even i can be But to be honest I do not know what you think But I know what I want. I'm going after what else matters, I expect. Today I win the world and then a yellow V12 Live your dream and fuck insomnia We learn, we pick up The back seat is Babylon Another resident of this long gypsy life Caraí! Left "pro" the next day Excuse my back From an insane weekend Busy car, the company changes scene Uncertain to lose in the game, when in love already wins (Duckjay) If the back seat turns rave If I have repeated this sound several times From here to four it's crockery, window will shake in the whole street Sorry my back Ooooh Fuck Insomnia Ooooh For who sleeps dreams, who lives accomplish and I raise the level From The Unpredictable Sorry my back My back Fuck Insomnia Insomnia For who sleeps dreams, who lives accomplish and I raise the level From Unpredictable. Directed by: Studio D & Kamika-z Produtora®