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Uphill Policy at Aspen Highlands

Learn more about the uphilling policies at Aspen Highlands.

Two uphill skiers atop Aspen Highlands
Aspen Snowmass will be requiring an Uphill Pass for on-resort uphill access during the 2024-2025 season. For details and how to purchase learn more here. Aspen Snowmass allows uphilling at its ski areas, this includes, skinning, hiking, and snowshoeing.

Uphillers will need to remain on designated, signed routes during all operating hours. We will not be scheduling any blackout dates for the 2024-2025 season, however we will occasionally call for temporary closures for safety reasons, business levels, and snow mitigation. This information will be posted on our website, our social media outlets, the Aspen Snowmass app, and we will have signage at the base of our areas notifying public of the closure.

Uphill Policies At Aspen Highlands

Dates & Hours
Daily Resort Operations hours are from 8am–4:45pm. Uphilling is permitted from 5am until 10:30pm.

Aspen Highlands Uphill Policies
  • Uphilling at Aspen Highlands will be allowed during operation hours of 8am–4:45pm on the designated route marked from the base.
  • Dogs are prohibited between operational hours of 8am–4:45pm at Aspen Highlands during the ski season. Before and after operational hours, your dog will need to be under voice control or on a leash so as not to bother other guests or wildlife. Please pick up any pet waste and pack it out with you.
  • Uphillers must remain visible at all times. Uphillers must stay on the side of the trail and single file. We strongly suggest using lights and reflective clothing for nighttime ascents or early morning ascents.
  • Uphillers must have their strap with current year sticker and uphill pass visible at all times.
  • Uphillers must be aware that the slopes are in use 24 hours a day by employees, and to be on guard for snowmobiles, snow cats and other vehicular traffic operated by Aspen Snowmass.
  • Uphillers must use designated uphill tracks stated on our four mountains. Designated trails are marked by orange signs, and in some cases, marked with rope to designate a lane.
  • Uphillers must be aware of downhill traffic and avoid blind spots.
  • Uphillers must stay away from all snowmaking equipment and may not cross snowmaking lines at any time.
  • All uphillers must have a valid lift ticket or pass to ride up any lifts.
  • Uphill traffic may be restricted due to pre-season preparation, avalanche mitigation efforts or ski area construction and maintenance activities.
  • Uphill traffic may be restricted or closed due to safety reasons, business levels, or snow mitigation.
  • As with downhill traffic, uphill traffic must obey all on-mountain signage, including closed runs and rope lines.
  • Carrying children or babies in backpacks or carriers is not permitted on any mountain at Aspen Skiing Company.
  • Some trails may be closed to uphill traffic during pre/post season while snowmaking and grooming operations are in effect. Please respect these closures at all times.
    Aspen Highlands Designated Route:
    There is a new uphill route from the base of Aspen Highlands.
    • Starting from the base, proceed on the hiker's right of Jerome Bowl as before, but you will now see a snow-making hydrant with an Uphill Sign on hiker's right.
    • At that sign proceed across the bottom of Jerome Bowl, under the Exhibition Lift. Follow signs to Park Avenue.
    • When you reach the trees on hiker's right of Lower Stein climb the cat track approximately 30 yards and turn right into the trees.
    • The rest of the route to Merry-Go-Round has not changed. If you arrive at Merry-Go-Round prior to 8:30am, you may continue up the route to the top of Loge. Uphilling access is not allowed beyond MGR after 8:30am.
    • Signage at the bottom of the mountains are the final call on access. On-mountain, a red X on the sign dictates a route closure.

    In Case Of Emergency

    Please be aware that no ski area services, including Ski Patrol, are available during hours that the ski areas are not open for business. Please call 911 in the event of an emergency during non-operational hours. You are responsible for your own safety at all times while on Aspen Skiing Company property.

    Ski Patrol Phone Numbers
    Snowmass: 970-923-0530
    Aspen Mountain: 970-920-0723
    Aspen Highlands: 970-544-3052
    Buttermilk: 970-920-0969

    Colorado Search & Rescue

    While Pitkin County does not charge for search and rescue, you may want to consider purchasing a Colorado Search and Rescue Card to support Mountain Rescue Teams across the high country. The card reimburses teams for costs incurred in searches and rescues across the State of Coloradowhich is worth considering if you plan to venture into the backcountry. Cards are $3 for one year or $12 for five years. Aspen Skiing Company supports Colorado Search and Rescue by donating $10 of every Uphill Pass sold.

    Learn more
    Two upholders climb Buttermilk

    Uphilling Guide

    We love "earning our turns" with a morning of uphilling. But we all have to share the mountain to ensure safety. Learn more with our Uphilling Guide.

    All Uphill Policies