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WOW Porto

WOW Porto


Santa Marinha, 13 22,401 followers

The Cultural District

About us

WOW - 6 MUSEUM EXPERIENCES - ATKINSON MUSEUM - 12 RESTAURANTS & BARS - WINE SCHOOL - EXHIBITIONS & EVENTS - RETAIL OUTLETS THE WINE EXPERIENCE Portugal’s identity and potential in the world of wines has inspired us to create a unique space. Take a journey through Portugal’s rich and diverse wine regions in a unique and unforgettable experience to be enjoyed by visitors of all ages. PLANET CORK Much more than the best way to seal a wine bottle, cork is and immensely versatile and natural product. Embark on an exciting journey of discovery of how cork is grown, harvested and has become a part of our everyday lives. PORTO REGION ACROSS THE AGES Porto gave its name to the nation and from its inception projected the country through trade and world exploration. Understand the story of Porto through a sequence of interactive experiences. THE ART OF DRINKING - THE BRIDGE COLLECTION Since the early days of the human race, people have used wine for ceremony and conviviality. Whether toasting a friend or tasting a great wine, the vessels we use for drinking tell a story. Discover how things have changed over the last 8,000 years. PINK PALACE This museum is an extravagant and eccentric experience that will immerse you in the vibrant world of rosé wine, breaking a series of myths about this style of wine, in an interactive and fun way. Includes the tasting of five completely different styles of Rosé wine. And there's juice for the little ones! THE CHOCOLATE STORY Discover the captivating history of cocoa, learn more about its origins and its cultural significance, while, of course, diving into the magical world of chocolate. Witness the behind-the-scenes magic of a real chocolate factory and understand how this perfect delicacy is created: chocolate. ATKINSON MUSEUM Bringing world-class exhibitions to the city of Porto to fulfil its potential as an arts and culture destination

Company size
501-1,000 employees
Santa Marinha, 13
Privately Held
Tourism, Museums, Wine, Cork, Restaurants, and Events


Employees at WOW Porto


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    Este domingo, o Brick Market chega ao WOW com os sets mais raros e muita animação para os apaixonados pelo mundo LEGO®. "O WOW, quarteirão cultural de Gaia, vai transformar-se num paraíso para os fãs da LEGO com mais de 60 espaços de venda, atividades interativas e experiências temáticas para toda a família." ➡️ Entrada livre. Sabe mais no artigo da Porto Secreto! . This Sunday, the Brick Market arrives at WOW with the rarest sets and lots of entertainment for lovers of the LEGO® world. “WOW, Gaia's cultural district, will be transformed into a paradise for LEGO fans with more than 60 sales spaces, interactive activities and themed experiences for the whole family.” ➡️ Free entry. Find out more in the Porto Secreto article!

  • "A vida são dois dias e o Carnaval são três, ou, no caso do WOW, quatro. Ao longo do fim-de-semana pré-Entrudo e até à terça-feira mais animada do ano, o quarteirão cultural de Vila Nova de Gaia vai encher-se de folia carnavalesca para todas as idades." Sabe mais sobre o Carnaval no WOW no artigo da Time Out Group plc! . “Life is two days and Carnival is three, or, in the case of WOW, four. Throughout the pre-Entrudo weekend and until the liveliest Tuesday of the year, Vila Nova de Gaia's cultural district will be filled with carnival revelry for all ages.” Find out more about Carnival in WOW in the Time Out Group plc article!

  • Andreia Esteves, responsável pela curadoria do museu The Art of Drinking do WOW, esteve à conversa com Tristan Stephenson no podcast The Curious Bartender - um podcast que convida as figuras mais importantes do mundo da bebida. Neste episódio, podes conhecer mais sobre o museu The Art of Drinking e os mais de 9000 anos de história da arte de beber que este representa. Assiste ao episódio completo aqui! . Andreia Esteves, curator of WOW's The Art of Drinking museum, spoke to Tristan Stephenson on The Curious Bartender podcast - a podcast that invites the most important figures in the world of drinking. In this episode, you can find out more about The Art of Drinking museum and the more than 9,000 years of drinking history it represents. Watch the full episode here!

  • Nos dias 22, 23 e 24 de fevereiro, o WOW abre as portas a todos os profissionais da área do turismo para uma visita especial. 🤩 Entrada livre em todos os museus, 20% de desconto no bilhete do acompanhante e 10% de desconto nos restaurantes WOW - parecem-nos razões válidas para que todos os colegas nos visitem nestes dias. 👉🏼 Necessário apresentar um comprovativo de função, que prove que trabalha na área do turismo. Esta credenciação deve ser feita nas bilheteiras físicas do WOW. Estamos ansiosos por te receber! . On February 22, 23 and 24, WOW is opening its doors to all tourism professionals for a special visit. 🤩 Free entry to all the museums, a 20% discount on your companion's ticket and a 10% discount in WOW restaurants - we think there are good reasons for all our colleagues to visit us these days. 👉🏼 Proof of employment is required to prove that you work in tourism. This accreditation must be done at the physical WOW ticket offices. We look forward to welcoming you! #WOW #WOWPorto #Porto #Portugal #Cultura #Culture #OpenDayTurismo #Turismo #Tourism

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  • O The Chocolate Story foi selecionado como um dos melhores destinos de chocolate para visitar neste Dia dos Namorados. "Viaja pela história tão doce do fabrico do chocolate no The Chocolate Story, um dos sete museus do WOW." Sabe mais neste artigo da Forbes! . The Chocolate Story was selected as one of the best chocolate destinations to visit this Valentine's Day. "Journey through the oh-so-sweet history of chocolate making at The Chocolate Story, one of seven museums at WOW." Find out more in this Forbes article!

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    No dia 10 de janeiro, tivemos o privilégio de reunir os colaboradores das empresas dos setores de Hotelaria e Turismo do Grupo The Fladgate Partnership numa Festa de Ano Novo, para celebrar o ano de 2024 e dar as boas-vindas a 2025!   Através do tema “Anos 80, 90 e 2000”, a noite foi uma verdadeira viagem no tempo, marcada por músicas icónicas, trajes cheios de personalidade e, claro, muita animação! Mais do que um evento, esta celebração foi uma oportunidade para fortalecer laços, reconhecer conquistas e renovar as energias para mais um ano de sucesso e inovação.   Obrigado a todos os que fizeram desta noite um momento inesquecível! Juntos, estamos prontos para fazer de 2025 um ano extraordinário.   . On 10 January, we had the privilege of bringing together employees from The Fladgate Partnership Group's Hospitality and Tourism companies for a New Year's Eve Party to celebrate 2024 and welcome 2025! With the theme ‘The 80s, 90s and 2000s’, the evening was a real journey through time, marked by iconic music, costumes full of personality and, of course, lots of fun! More than just an event, this celebration was an opportunity to strengthen ties, recognise achievements and renew energy for another year of success and innovation. Thank you to everyone who made this evening unforgettable! Together, we are ready to make 2025 an extraordinary year. #TheFladgatePartnership #TeamWork #TeamBuilding

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